What a blessed Christmas we had. We tried to soak up every second we had off work and enjoy the time together with family and friends. Here are our highlights.
New Pajamas - because no Christmas is complete without them!
Santa visited and we opened lots of presents.
Oliver got a new harness so now he can be a real running dog. One of us is really excited.
Ben got tricked into thinking he was opening Sorel boots.... instead he opened the box and found a blanket! HA!
FINALLY he opened his last box to find his shiny new boots. Tricky Amber.
Ben trusted Amber with his heavy duty knife. Good thing Santa put a big box of band-aides in my stocking! (If you don't know, I am basically the clumsiest person on the planet and find a way to cut myself about every day.)
Amber was surprised and more than excited to find a CAMEO under the tree! Watch out world, the crafting is officially on!
Grandma and Grandpa North sent Oliver some angry bird squeaky toys. At first I thought they were really cute. Now I think they may have been playing some sort of joke on us. These may be the MOST squeaky toys on the planet. And he loves them.
We spent lots of time laughing with family.
And playing games and with fancy new toys.
And when we were all tuckered out we relaxed with family by the tree.
Only to find ourselves wishing it wasn't over so soon.

And begging for more time off work to do it again.
Because if there is one thing we know for sure, it's that spending time together is our favorite time of all!
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