December 1, 2013

Thankful-ness in Utah

This year we thought we would spend Thanksgiving in Utah.  Well, did you know that Thanksgiving this year was a week later than normal?  Guess what - when I bought our plane tickets, I didn't.  So instead of spending Thanksgiving in Utah we spent the week before there.  This was Max's first time on an airplane and first time to Utah since he was born.  Needless to say, there were lots of people to see and it was kind of a whirlwind of family, friends and food.  Luckily for us my mom likes to cook and didn't mind cooking an extra big giant meal the week before Thanksgiving so all our family could come down and celebrate with us.

Let me just say, if you live in Utah and we missed you - my sincerest apologies.  We honestly tried to be everywhere at once and keep a sane baby.  :)

Max was a rockstar on the airplane.  He slept for half, then ate, played and flirted with the flight attendants. Luckily for us we had a whole row to ourselves so Ben and I could block him in and let him sit in the middle seat both there and back.  I have a feeling we won't always be so lucky.  I used to be the person who didn't really want to sit next to the potentially crying baby the entire flight.... now I am that person that no one is dying to sit next to.  That's okay, I welcome the space! :)

Our first night we stayed at my Grandparents house visiting with them, Uncle David and cousin Angie and Keylie.  Max was hugged and kissed and loved. I really wish I could spend more time with my grandparents so it was wonderful to get a little extra time with them this trip.

Sleeping is hard on a traveling babe.  This was the thing that worried me the most about being away.  We work so hard to get him to reasonably sleep and I prayed we wouldn't come home with different sleeping habits.  We didn't and I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy cuddling this babe while he slept.

Max had his first tastes of Cafe Rio.  He was a big fan.

We got to have dinner and lunch with a few friends and Max traveled the world via Cabelas.

Finally Max and Ben did some cooking with Grandma we got to enjoy a wonderful meal with family to remind us of all we are Thankful for!

We sure hate being far away from so many people we love.  We can't wait to see them again!

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